Catherine Filloux - Award Winning Playwright of the Only Cambodian-U.S. Rock Opera

Dorothy Chow | 4/16/2023

For the past three decades, award-winning artist, playwright, and librettist Catherine Filloux has been traveling to conflict areas creating art that addresses human rights and U.S. complicity. Her plays and operas about Cambodia include: “Eyes of the Heart” and “Photographs from S-21” and she is the co-founder of Theatre Without Borders. “Where Elephants Weep”, the only Cambodian-U.S. rock opera, aired on Broadway on Demand from April 14 to 23, 2023, in time for the Cambodian New Year, with an accompanying conversation by Filloux and composer Sophy Him.

Cambodian-U.S. rock opera WHERE ELEPHANTS WEEP available for free viewing on Broadway on Demand from April 14 to 23, 2023, in time for the Cambodian New Year. WATCH HERE!


Nick Coffill - Author of the book “Photography in Cambodia: 1866 to Present”


Myra Torcheux - A Cambodian Orphan in France