S2 Episode 2: The Bike from the Trash

Dorothy Chow | 3/27/2022

Robert starts to assimilate into America and gets his first job picking berries in the fields. Later, he gets a job as a janitor in JefCo. Since there was no transportation to and from work, he got to work by walking miles. One day, Robert found a broken bike behind a trashcan. Excited, he takes it home, asks Bill Hoffman his sponsor to get him new wheels.. and BOOM, his first mode of transportation.  In the meantime, Robert's family makes ends meet by saving money and eating chicken butt from the 7/11 down the street. The family starts to consider moving closer to a Cambodian community in Portland Oregon. 

Music Written By: Acerylio Chen


S2 Episode 3: Robert's First Crush


S2 Episode 1: Bill Hoffman